

Why hello there!

Long time no hear, am I right? Well, forgive me, but I've been pretty dreamless, save for a few dreams here and there. Yeah, it's sad, but you can't really expect to dream much if you (a) have noisy house-mates, (b) are a bit...tipsier than usual, or (c) studying your eyes out, going to bed, getting 2 hours of sleep...=(

But I digest. (What is that from??)

So as I'm sure some/one of you know, I have been having not-so-clean dreams. My love life is not booming...well, it's alive, just not the way I want it to be...I don't give it up that easily...and it's frustrating...but, this is already TMI. ON TO THE DREAMS!

Two Weeks Ago...

I awake in this house, one that has a very modern and familiar nature to it. This is not my house...but I've been in it before. Right now, I'm in the bathroom, a large bathroom, covered in tile, with a hot tub, a GREAT shower, and steam billows everywhere. As I get ready to enjoy the sauna-like conditions, I see someone across the room. They're making advances...oh God...what?! YOU?! Oh HELL no! You have a girlfriend! What are you doing? What the hell?! It's my suitemate, one of my closest friends.

Yeah, sexy dream about someone I consider a brother-type. I told them because I have no shame, and we just laugh about it. It was funny.

Days later during an accidental nap...

Another place I've been before! It's a shopping mall from my past. It's huge, and yet, I never get lost in it. I think this place exists in a middle-eastern country, but I don't know why I've always gotten that impression. This place has everything a large mall would have- movie theater, department stores, coffee shops, handicap-access ramps, fake foliage...the list goes on. This is a really boring day in the mall, so, needless to say, I wake up from it.

Two nights ago...

I am reliving an experience that I had on the day after my birthday: I am watching a musical, Jesus Christ Superstar to be specific. It only lasts 90 minutes, and I'm happy because I'm out by 8:30, and I have SO much work to do. I'm somehow driving a car on campus, which is NOT allowed, and I'm driving towards my current "home." Suddenly I am in a familiar place! This one is crazy: a large field, with a pre-colonial British feel building/castle-ish structure in the distance. There, college kids are. These are the future me's, the people that we look up to. They are eternally in this state, and we visit them, the model students.

I go inside, and I'm suddenly in a bookstore. This is a kid-friendly bookstore, however, as I see my nephew and several other children (possibly from my soccer team that I coach?). My niece was there, but her impatience got her escorted out by my mother. Anyways, I have fun with the kids, and I let them be for a second. My nephew takes charge; the kids love him.

I walk out of the room, and now I'm in a library setting (possibly due to the countless hours I've spent in there the past few weeks), and I see 4-8 people from my acting crew, most of who I like, some who I don't really like as much as the others. Initials? RM, BS, JW, SK, and a couple of more people who I truly have forgotten. I love seeing them, however, I'm on a mission to go get my parents. I think they should leave, as the kids are surely getting ancey. Well, my mother is nowhere to be found, but my dad explains that she is stressed as she's dealing with my niece who just doesn't like it here. My nephew, the sociable stud-of-a-six-year-old, struts out, says goodbye to his uncle Jake, and is off. Stressed, and sad that my family left without a heartfelt goodbye, I go for a drive. I wake up.

Last night...

I wake up in a rainy Charlottesville, but I'm not even sure this is Charlottesville. This is like that place where I went to a cabin once...where was that? Perhaps it's even Blackburg? Who knows? Anyway, today feels like a Saturday or Sunday morning, definitely a weekend. Nothing due, just relaxation. So I'm watching a cable channel movie, and it's really interesting. It has this hot guy in it, and he's just a stud. Gotta love it. Well, the plot of the movie was horribly dirty, not appropriate for this website, and quite frankly, I don't like it that my mind even dreamt it. So we're gonna skip it. The conclusion to the movie...well, we'll get to it.

Continuing, we're driving (me, my friend JH, and two other gal-pals of mine) in our rackety car down whatever street, and along the way, we see a bunch of friends. We wave as we drive by. As we drive, something happens, and break down. This is by far the worst place to break down, but we somehow get through it. We push the car as fast as it would usually travel (brute strength, yes). Somehow, while I'm doing this, I'm still following that amazing and interesting movie. Good lord, he's good looking. I push the car, and it suddenly starts up again. We travel home. I finish the movie, which ends with...the guy...doing...things that shouldn't be on cable TV.

Yeah, I have a dirty mind. I can't help it.


The Nigerian Happy Birthday

So as some of you may know (I know you're reading...I don't see you...but I know you're out there...) yesterday was my most monumental birthday yet. That's right, I turned...19.


Well, after a crazy awesome day with my second family, tons of class, tons of studying, etc...I was bound to have some interesting dreams. I haven't been remembering them these past few days thanks to the re-adjustment to an interrupted sleep pattern/eternal grogginess. But, I closed my eyes...

...I've been here before. In fact, I often retreat here to escape the madness. I am a problem to these people. I am obsessed with this place. I don't belong, and even though they know I could fit in, I can't, due to some deeper meaning. My "guardian" escorts me away from the people I don't belong with in the jungle. Now we're on the beach. I don't want to go back to the real world! She can't make me! I love it on the island!!!

Are you kidding me? It's already morning time? My alarm hasn't gone off yet! I was really enjoying it on the island with my favorite LOST castaways...and I love my guardian, Kate/Evangeline Lilly . Let's go back there!

I'm now somewhere new. Damn. Where am I? Hey! It's my second family! God...we're so much older...not physically, but you can feel that we've aged in some strange way. As I hug and kiss the loves that are the First Year Players, and we catch up, we are seated in the cabaret-like area. Oh God...what's he doing here? The manager at our dining hall...nothing against him, but this is private. Oh well...

Damn! Awake again?! Why am I so sensitive to people shuffling about? Oh well...I shift position...

I awake in the lounge area right next to my room. I am sitting in a chair placed in an odd fashion. I'm facing the wall. I have no peripheral vision. Four men come in my view. They are my housemates...led by my Nigerian pal. They say nothing, but I know what's coming: They're about to sing "Happy Birthday" to me in his native language...Oh God, here it comes!

He begins to count: "1, 2, 3!" The four inhale getting ready to recite their masterpiece, and they---

The horrid beeping of my alarm startles me into waking up. I hop off my bed, hit it with the spite I have against it for ruining my third and final dream...I close my eyes in exhaustion, take a seat at my desk, and blindly scribble down everywhere I had been just hours, minutes, even seconds before.


Flying High

Another early night brought an instant loss of consciousness, or so they say.

I am living another ordinary day in a futuristic, more overgrown college campus. It is my college now, however, everything is less touched by man's hand. Vines drape the brick buildings, and everything is opposite. For example, buildings usually on my left in real life are now on my right. The air is fresher, and no cars are in sight. One might think he or she is on another planet.

I walk home from class, taking yet another back way known by few. I suddenly find myself in a workplace. I am with one of my friends...this one is also close to me, though I have no memory of who she was. A blonde caucasian...specific, right? Anyways, she is test-driving a machine that either I invented or I just run. It is like a futuristic helicopter cabin. No wings, no tail. Just a glossy, white shell that fits one. She enters, and I take the control. It is a remote much like that of a model vehicle, and is extremely sensitive to my touch. Finding the perfect balance, I set my friend airborne.

Over our radio-like devices, I hear her excitement. She is in love with the view of the city. We're no longer on campus...I am flying her around the Washington Monument. I'm in awe with the view (I have a bird's eye perspective) and I love what I'm doing. Who knew
I could get this far? She is too infatuated with the view, but I feel that she is more infatuated with the one who is flying her. Feeling awkward by this realization, I drop her, and she lands smoothly. I walk home.

It's Sunday. I stop by the dining halls around, too lazy to get real food, but they're all packed. I go home and surrender to the fact that it will be another foodless night.

I wake up, more hungry and exhausted than usual.


The Physics TA from Hell

I went to bed early last night upon hearing I would be on babysitting duty for my lovely niece today, and boy...well, I'm sure you can imagine what happened.

I am in the lab again...it's Monday--my birthday--and I have a lovely Physics lab. This is the longest one yet, and she expects us to get it done before 5 o'clock. Unbelievable. As we all toil, moan, and groan, we get the insanely unnecessary, and not Physics-related work done. About an hour and a half into everything, our TA then announces that she will be leaving...NOW. Pissed off beyond anything, we all begin to chatter at her request for us to finish up.

Nearly finished, I stay in the lab to get the grade, when someone comes up to me and asks why
I am so frustrated. The answer comes easily: "Well, it's my birthday. I'm stuck in a lab doing God-knows-what...(this is barely related to what we're learning in class!)...and NO ONE wished me a Happy Birthday on Facebook! Apparently disgusted with that last comment, my dream's self-cast extra disappeared.

I find myself outside of the classroom, on a campus not like college's, but in what I feel is an arid part of the country, like Arizona. I've been here before. I then go to one of the school's deans (who coincidentally is my counselor from high school), and I complain to her about how much this TA sucks. She then says she has a meeting. I wait for my TA till 6 PM, at which point my parents magically appear as they have such a habit of doing in my dreams this week (Spring Break's effects perhaps?), and I pass my TA in the hall of the unknown college's Physics building. I then say, "I'm not finished, but that's not my fault, as you left. Here."

Obviously she doesn't respond well to that. She then tells me there's no chance of me getting an A now. I throw the lab report down, and walk out. I have a gig to go to.

I go to the roof of the building, where a small crowd is waiting for me and someone who is really close to me (but I have no idea who this is), and we are now putting on some sort of comedy show. As soon as we're raring to get our first act out, the building begins to shake.

I find myself back in the Physics lab. My TA is now this horribly enchanted witch. I'm fighting alongside a former enemy of mine. We strike the first blow against my Physics TA and---

"Jake...are you awake? Say, "Hi, Uncle Jake!"

"Hi, Uncle Jake..."

My sister and her lovely daughter are now here.



Last night's conglomeration was a strange one:

Upon falling asleep, I "wake up" to find my alternate self looking at a chart, informing me when it's (pride swallowed) safest to eat eggs. My mind doesn't like this dream very much, so it takes me to another place.

I find myself walking into a restaurant/karaoke-bar setting, but the stage usually occupied by the courageous performers is now taken by a group of three or four women, who are performing a taste test. We all are super hungry. The servers give the starved crowd some sort of potato--french fries, potato skins, etc.--which we all down instantly. Next course is chicken tenders or something, and the still-hungry guests attack the servers' hands, gorging themselves with the breaded goodness. I steal three pieces from my sister, who then proceeds to get angry at my shocking rudeness. Blinded by hunger, I retreat to the other side of the room, where there seems to be more chicken. Suddenly, everyone begins to clear out. I leave a nasty note for the rude men next to me. How rude they were to the waitresses...

Suddenly, I am in a back room of some sort, where an after party is being held. This is an after party for a horror movie, three-part, Hannibal-esque film, in which the killer has no face, yet at the end of each movie, a part of his face is conjured up from wherever...anyway, the party was in celebration of his face returning to normal. Needless to say, it was quite ugly.

With me at the party were two friends. I was pretty happy to see them. Elated. Music begins to play, and we start to dance. I get close to one friend...perhaps too close. But the darkness that is the transition to my waking up covers all awkwardness.

I get up to hit the alarm, and I've started my day.



Upon waking up, I immediately scold myself for not remembering my dream. I knew it existed, but it seemed my fear was coming true: upon starting this dream-tracking blog, I would suddenly stop dreaming. Not fun.

I lived my day, expressed my frustration to my confidant, and as the East-coast pre-snowstorm precipitation fell to the ground, the only solution seemed to be a new favorite, super-customized drink from Starbucks (I know the baristas here by name).

I drank my cup of warm loving on my way to my grandmother's house, the person I haven't seen in about two months (thanks to school). Upon visiting, my eyes become weighted because of the weather...I drift...

Darkness. Complete darkness. I am in a familiar place...I feel it. And though I'm scared, there is a strange sort of comfort surrounding me. I'm on a road. A road once occupied by cars, it's now being walked by three people. One of them, perhaps the most frightened of them all, is talking to his companions. That person was me.

Fast-forward to a familiar spot. I am now in a place I've been before: well-lit (summer), barely-inhabited, non-existent in the real world (to my knowledge). It is a pseudo-summer school/camp, which I've never attended. My previous encounters here have been quite mischievous.

The place transforms into my college's campus...it's time for class. I remember the last time I was here: meeting my cousin on strange terms, being late for a class I'm not signed up for, starting a protest in the "quad," if you will, and even shooting a sniper that was aiming for me and my fellow protesters. Intense.

I am once again late for class. I take a shortcut, a tunnel-like area, all natural, sharing features you'd see in a video game. A huge bog/swamp is to my right. It is day. Suddenly, it turns to night. I'm then accompanied with two unusual guests: my parents. We hear something ahead...no just me. They don't see him. They don't hear him. I do. He's there.

I look down and am distracted by snakes that naturally live in this bog. Coral, rattle, black...the snakes are endless. I'm usually terrified, but the unwanted guest has stolen all of my fear. I then, in a moment of sheer embarrassment and loss of dignity, climb on my father's shoulders, and he escorts me out of the bog-tunnel. Light again.

I wake up.