
The Physics TA from Hell

I went to bed early last night upon hearing I would be on babysitting duty for my lovely niece today, and boy...well, I'm sure you can imagine what happened.

I am in the lab again...it's Monday--my birthday--and I have a lovely Physics lab. This is the longest one yet, and she expects us to get it done before 5 o'clock. Unbelievable. As we all toil, moan, and groan, we get the insanely unnecessary, and not Physics-related work done. About an hour and a half into everything, our TA then announces that she will be leaving...NOW. Pissed off beyond anything, we all begin to chatter at her request for us to finish up.

Nearly finished, I stay in the lab to get the grade, when someone comes up to me and asks why
I am so frustrated. The answer comes easily: "Well, it's my birthday. I'm stuck in a lab doing God-knows-what...(this is barely related to what we're learning in class!)...and NO ONE wished me a Happy Birthday on Facebook! Apparently disgusted with that last comment, my dream's self-cast extra disappeared.

I find myself outside of the classroom, on a campus not like college's, but in what I feel is an arid part of the country, like Arizona. I've been here before. I then go to one of the school's deans (who coincidentally is my counselor from high school), and I complain to her about how much this TA sucks. She then says she has a meeting. I wait for my TA till 6 PM, at which point my parents magically appear as they have such a habit of doing in my dreams this week (Spring Break's effects perhaps?), and I pass my TA in the hall of the unknown college's Physics building. I then say, "I'm not finished, but that's not my fault, as you left. Here."

Obviously she doesn't respond well to that. She then tells me there's no chance of me getting an A now. I throw the lab report down, and walk out. I have a gig to go to.

I go to the roof of the building, where a small crowd is waiting for me and someone who is really close to me (but I have no idea who this is), and we are now putting on some sort of comedy show. As soon as we're raring to get our first act out, the building begins to shake.

I find myself back in the Physics lab. My TA is now this horribly enchanted witch. I'm fighting alongside a former enemy of mine. We strike the first blow against my Physics TA and---

"Jake...are you awake? Say, "Hi, Uncle Jake!"

"Hi, Uncle Jake..."

My sister and her lovely daughter are now here.

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